To Do Thy Will With a Perfect Heart, I, II and III, 2019-2020, oil on canvas, triptych. Each canvas is 48" x 36." Total size: 48" x 108." The title of this painting comes from a Psalm in the Bible. The figures depicted are inter-connected and interacting with one another. Their hearts and anatomy do not seem "perfect," some are small, some enlarged and out of control, and some are distorted, and in some kind of movement or drama. The internal organs are a place for inner hidden emotions. Published in Heart of Flesh Magazine.

To Do Thy Will With a Perfect Heart II, 2019-2020, oil on canvas, triptych. Each canvas is 48" x 36." Total triptych: 48" x 108." The title of this painting comes from a Psalm in the Bible. The figures depicted are inter-connected and interacting with one another. Their hearts and anatomy do not seem "perfect," some are small, some enlarged and out of control, and some are distorted, and in some kind of movement or drama. The internal organs are a place for inner hidden emotions. Published in Heart of Flesh Magazine.

To Do Thy Will With a Perfect Heart III, 2019-2020, oil on canvas, triptych. Each canvas is 48" x 36." Total triptych: 48" x 108." The title of this painting comes from a Psalm in the Bible. The figures depicted are inter-connected and interacting with one another. Their hearts and anatomy do not seem "perfect," some are small, some enlarged and out of control, and some are distorted, and in some kind of movement or drama. The internal organs are a place for inner hidden emotions. Published in Heart of Flesh Magazine.

Somewhere in Time. True Love Time. 2018-2019, oil on canvas, 48" x 36." Art Dex third prize winner. The painting's title was inspired by the movie "Somewhere in Time," which is based on a love story between two people that might be from two different time periods. The painting depicts two figures that are connected to one another. Something visceral is transpiring between them. Their inner organs (hearts and anatomy) are distorted, enlarged, and in movement. They seem to be growing and disintegrating at the same time. The painting was also inspired by the Robert Frost poem "The Road not Taken." Behind the two figures is a landscape with two different roads or paths that come together and diverge, alluding to choices that one must make in one's lifetime.

Love Lungs I, 2019, oil canvas, part of a diptych. Each canvas 30” x 24” A figure is depicted not in a typical art historical way, but from the inside out. The figure is as if x-rayed to reveal its enlarged and out of control inner organs, movements and emotions. This is part of a diptych.
Two Hearts Diverged on a Road. I started Painting Before You Arrived. 2018, oil on canvas, 60" x 48" This painting was inspired by the Robert Frost Poem "The Road Not Taken."

Perfect Hearts I, and II, 2021, oil on canvas, 14" x 11" each canvas. This is part of a diptych, and a series of two paintings painted during the time of Covid. Two figures are engulfed by each other, their secrets and inner thoughts, and what is happening in the world.

Perfect Hearts II, 2021, oil on canvas, 14" x 11" each canvas. This is part of a diptych, and a series of two paintings painted during the time of Covid. Two figures are engulfed by each other, their secrets and inner thoughts, and what is happening in the world.

Self-Portrait with Heart, 2019, oil on canvas, 60” x 48” A female persona, or "Christ like" figure, bearing a cross like easel, is represented in the role of an "artist figure." This is not your typical female role, but it is not a typical rendering of a portrait, as metaphorically and poetically the figure's heart is shown in some kind of movement and x-ray fashion.
Two Roads Diverged, 2018-2019, oil on canvas, 14” x 11.” This painting was inspired by the Robert Frost Poem "The Road not Taken."

Artist’s Lungs Fading I and II, 2018, oil on canvas, diptych: Each canvas is 14” x 11".” In the first painting, Artist’s Lungs Fading I, a visceral figure is depicted with large or enlarged, somewhat “unstill” and “out of control” pair of lungs. In the second painting, Artist’s Lungs Fading II, the face, lungs, and background appear to fade, as if all is being erased, consumed by time, or about to disappear. The Paintings are about an Artist or persona actually fading from sight, from the public, or in general, fading from life and/or the Self. The painting might also signify the fading away of the creative powers of the Artist, or the fear of losing those powers.

Artist’s Lungs Fading II, 2018, oil on canvas, diptych: Each canvas is 14” x 11." In the first painting, Artist’s Lungs Fading I, a visceral figure is depicted with large or enlarged, somewhat “unstill” and “out of control” lungs. In the second painting, Artist’s Lungs Fading II, the face, lungs, and background appear to fade, as if all is being erased or about to disappear. The Paintings are about an Artist or persona actually fading from sight, from the public, or in general, fading from life and/or the Self. The painting might also signify the fading away of the creative powers of the Artist, or the fear of losing those powers.

Between Two Paths, 2016-2017, oil on canvas, 14” x 11.” This painting was inspired by the Robert Frost poem "The Road not Taken."
Art Path, Love Path, 2016-2017, oil on canvas, 14" x 11." This painting was inspired by the Robert Frost Poem "The Road Not Taken."